I’m Getting Curated (again)

On the main page of Scratch there is a section that is boxed off and it is labeled “Curated Projects”. Curated projects are projects that are picked by select members of Scratch because they are inspiring and motivational projects. Lots of times it is because the programming or the art is great, but sometimes it is just because the project is encouraging to others. Getting curated is a big deal. In any case, I’ve been curated before, and now I’m going to be curated again, this time by Tazzybazzy.


So, in honor of my ice-cream shop game being curated, I’d like to show you all how it works, and then maybe you can play it, too!

First of all, you have to add the ingredients, which are pretty accurate to what you’d add in real life.


Then, you have to choose which flavor you want to add in. I normally choose strawberry.



Then, after a short period of mixing, you get to add toppings and eat! This is an example of what your ice-cream could look like:


So, thanks for reading and don’t forget to check out the links below to play the actual game and find some other awesome stuff on Scratch!

My Ice-cream Shop Game-

Tazzybazzy’s Profile-


Ice-Cream Games Studio-

Thanks again!


Happy 150th Anniversary, Wonderland!

I only just found out, thanks to a few friends on Scratch, that, sometime this December, Wonderland will be 150 years old. So, to celebrate that occasion, I drew a picture of Alice that I’d like to share with you.


Thanks for reading!